Those of us who live in New England have to admit that this has been an extraordinarily beautiful fall!
In preparing for an upcoming art teacher conference presentation, Building Emotional Resilience with Mindfulness, Art & Yoga, I couldn’t help but think about my 9 year old granddaughter and how she is one of many students who are fully online in public school this year. Her mom, my daughter, realized that she needed much more to stay interested in learning and signed her up for Earthwork Programs here in western MA.
Their goal is to “provide a safe, fun, learning environment where participants develop a deep understanding of the natural world and relationship to community, family and self through:
· Mammal studies in tracking
· Plant identification and uses
· Wilderness living skills
· Bird language and awareness training
· Community building
· Naturalist skills
· Earth philosophy
· Forest ecology and relationships”
This led me searching for data about mindfulness and nature. Jill Suttie, in her article, How Nature Boosts Kindness, Happiness, and Creativity writes:
While he [David Strayer] and other scientists may believe nature benefits our well-being, we live in a society where people spend more and more time indoors and online—especially children. Findings on how nature improves our brains brings added legitimacy to the call for preserving natural spaces—both urban and wild—and for spending more time in nature in order to lead healthier, happier, and more creative lives. Retrieved from:
So I hope you all are getting outside at least a little each day and enjoying the sunshine when you can!
Here is what’s new for yoga classes this fall – and they are fully online, but take your computer outside when you can and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Tuesday 5:30-6:30 pm: Flexibility and Stress Reduction
Wednesday 7:00-8:00 am: Vinyasa and Abs
Thursday 8:00-9:00 am: Progressive Vinyasa
Thursday 6:45-7:45 pm: Progressive Vinyasa
Friday 8:00-9:00 am: Mindful Yoga
Sunday: 8:00-9:00 am: Progressive Vinyasa
I have not updated my website because I’m waiting for everyone to feel comfortable attending class in person again. So to register, just send an email and I’ll send you a Zoom link. 10 classes for $100.
Also, I have a new yoga trapeze to sell for $99 and several lightly used and washed yoga trapezes for $69 + shipping. I will provide an initial private lesson about how to do inversions.
The trapezes are made by Yogabody which are the best on the market. Inversions are so wonderful back health among other things!
So that’s it for October!
As always, call, text, or email with any questions!
Wishing you all the best in health and wellness,
Julie Sawyer